Category: Zoho

Descubra el nuevo Zoho Campaigns 7 years ago

Descubra el nuevo Zoho Campaigns El marketing por correo electrónico ya no es una actividad simple de un mismo mensaje para todos. Hoy es un ejercicio complejo que requiere comprender el comportamiento y los intereses de cada uno de sus suscriptores para ver resultados. Los mensajes dirigidos, relevantes y personalizados …

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Planned maintenance of our US Data Center 7 years ago

Dear Customers, We had announced in September 2017 about the annual infrastructure maintenance of our US Data Centers in this blog. Because of unavoidable reasons, the activity was postponed and we promised to keep you informed on the future dates. Planned Maintenance of our US Data Centers is scheduled from …

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Better audio conferencing in Zoho Meeting 7 years ago

After moving to WebRTC technology, we have continually made improvements in Zoho Meeting. Recently we have made a major change in our communication protocols to reduce bandwidth usage. Now, you will experience faster connection speed and better stability in your meetings. With Zoho Meeting, we make audio simple and easy …

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