Introducing Notebook for Mac 8 años ago

You’ve asked for it. Today we’re delivering. Notebook for Mac is here, our first desktop version.

We’ve translated the concepts and design ideas that made our mobile app a success to the desktop. Plus we’ve included a bunch of nifty mobile-inspired gestures, and have optimized Notebook for Mac for the new MacBook Pro. The result: a seamless (and enjoyable) experience across devices.

Mac Users: Take note

Our notebook and Note Card concepts created an elegant experience on mobile. We believe these concepts produce the same effect for Mac, giving you a clean and intimate place to think and remember. Create checklists and audio recordings and add photos with dedicated Note Cards; mix and match note types as needed with the Text Card. Personalize your notebook covers by dragging an image from your desktop onto a notebook.

Mobile-inspired Gestures: Navigate the app without a single click

Notebook for Mac brings mobile-inspired gestures to the desktop, creating an intuitive experience. You can navigate the entire app with gestures alone; if you have a trackpad you never have to make a single click. Simply hover over a notebook or note and pinch to open and close them; or two finger swipe to see more information, lock, or delete notes and notebooks. When notes are grouped, use two fingers to flip through them. No other note-taking app has achieved this; it’s likely that only a handful of Mac apps have implemented gestures in this way at all.

Raising the Bar with Touch: Optimized for MacBook

Notebook works with the MacBook Pro’s new Touch Bar, enabling contextual buttons within the app. The Touch Bar can be used on the note card level; it offers formatting options in Text Card, start and stop recording buttons in the Audio Card, and more. You can even unlock notebooks and note cards with Touch ID.

Coming Soon: Notebook for Web

Don’t have a Mac? No problem. Our web app is on the way. We don’t like to commit to release dates, but you can expect Notebook for Web within the next couple months. In the meantime we encourage you to check out the Notebook Web Clipper, available for Chrome. We’re crafting the best note-taking app across devices. We’re designing, coding, and writing as fast as we can.

You can download Notebook for Mac by clicking here.

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