More is always merrier 7 años ago

get more storage at the same price

When it comes to storing data, there is never one size that fits all. Each department has its own customized requirement. Marketers might have video content, presentations, and scripts, financiers may have more spreadsheets and word processors, HR staff might want space for PDFs, training materials, etc. Whatever the industry or role, the amount of data stored is only going to increase with time.

We realized that there’s a never-ending need for industries to get more space. That’s why we decided to end the storage wars altogether. We’re adding more to your plan—and nothing to your price:

Standard account 100GB storage/user/month at $5
Premium account – 1TB storage/user/month at $8

Compare the deals and pick the best fit for your organization’s needs.

More space means more documents. Sort them in folders and sub-folders with Zoho Docs’ multi-level hierarchy and find your files right away.

Enjoy more at less. Sign up for Zoho Docs standard and premium accounts.

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